4. Customers
4.1. Customer List
4. Customers
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4.1.1. Create New Customer
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4.1. Customer List

Table of Contents

The Customer List displays the customers saved in your customer database. To access the Customer List, click on Customers, Customer List.

Image CustomerList_1.JPG

There are several icons available in the Customer List window.

Image CustomerList_Icons.JPG

Customer List Icons Description
Create a new customer Click on this to create a new customer entry
Search for a customer Click on this to search your customer database
Receive a customer payments Click on this to receive a customer payment
Export customer list to a spreadsheet Click on this to export your customer database to a spreadsheet

Each Column title in the customer list is underlined. Any column title in any DealerChoice list that is underlined may be clicked on to sort the list by that column.
You do not have to run additional sort options to change the way your list is displayed. If you click on the Customer Name column title, your list will automatically be displayed in ascending order. Click the Customer Name column title again and your list will be displayed in descending order.

Below is an example of the customer list displayed in Customer Name descending order.

Image CustomerList_Descending.JPG

4.1. Customer List
4. Customers
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4. Customers
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4.1.1. Create New Customer